Claire and Darrell were such fun on their wedding we asked if they would be interested in an Encore Post Wedding Session. One of the locations they suggested for the session was one of their (and our!) favourite places, The New Forest!
Other photographers, particularly in the US have variously called these sessions Trash the Dress (no really, though we could never imagine doing anything that would cause damage!) or Cherish The Dress or Romance The Dress.
Well to us it's not about the dress (trashing it or otherwise!). It's about creating some beautiful images that perhaps were not possible on the wedding day and having total fun with the photography. I'm sure if Claire and Darrell had their wedding ceremony within the New Forest we would have gone out for some forest wedding photographs!
Putting Claire on the Redwood tree stump was Darrells idea and it worked really well, to the extend that an older couple out for a walk in the forest came up and asked if we mind they take some pictures of Claire. If you can go out and create photographs that make people smile as they walk past it makes everyone smile.
Teri processed some of the images to make them look more unusual, on the day of the session we knew that Darrell's wellies and Claire wearing heavy boots under her beautiful pink wedding dress would make for some fun post wedding images. The first image below has a daguerreotype style treatment we (well me mostly!) have titled 'Russian Peasants' as it looks like they are returning from a hard day working in the fields :)
Claire and Darrell's wedding photographs are also on the blog,
Wedding at Lillibrooke ManorThanks for Claire and Darrell for being so much fun, the session was a blast and we got to try out some new ideas, thanks guys! :)